Instruction is available at the Club ONLY from certified professional trainers specializing in Dressage, Hunter, Jumper and Equitation.
All SRC approved Instructors are Equine Canada Certified Coaches and hold insurance and First Aid certification. Only those sanctioned by the Board of Directors are permitted to teach at the Club, with the exception of coaching participants at events open to the public.
In order to take instruction at the Club, riders must be Club members, or pay the guest ride fee (2 rides per month maximum).
SRC does not offer horse leases/rentals, or a public lesson program, although several of the Club's instructors are able to provide horses for their students. Below is the list of Club-Sanctioned Instructors and their specialties.
Click here to see Stables within Southlands: Stables in Southlands
To see the biographies of the instructors or their training website, click on the colored name links.
club-sanctioned Instructors
** Lesson horses available
Alison Martin (Dressage) 604-809-0257
Amelia Butler Town & Country Equestrian (Hunter/Jumper/Equitation) 604-738-4483
Cheryl Keith - Keepsake Farms (Hunter/Jumper) 250-668-2997
Kelsey McFarlane ** Collingwood Stables (Hunter/Jumper) 778-837-0683
Margaret K. Boyce (Dressage) 201-248-5538
Margot Vilvang ** (Jumper/Dressage/Eventing) 604-263-3552
Marta Modzelewska ** Highlight Equestrian (Hunter/Jumper/Dressage) 604-307-7190
Pippa Emrick ** Talisman Farm (Hunter/Jumper/Dressage) 604-351-5522
Rick Maynard ** Southlands Heritage Farm (Jumper/Dressage/Eventing) 778-898-1295
Robyn Hunt ** Pinecrest Stables (Hunter/Jumper) 604-220-2170
Samantha Ramirez ** (Natural Horsemanship/Hunter/Jumper) 1-754-215-3362
Tanya Rosen ** Rosewood Hunters & Jumpers (Hunter/Jumper/Equitation) 778-829-6369
Uta McNamara (Dressage) 604-263-7733
Amanda Barbillion - AB Equestrian (Eventing) 778-892-0616
Andrea Taylor - Taylor Dressage (Dressage) 604-788-8430
Dayton Gorsline - Trademark Stables 587-335-0540
Erin Silo (Dressage) 604-626-2976
Jennifer Bell (Hunters/Jumper) 604-760-6849
Kelly Irvine (Dressage) 604-813-3081
Laura Balisky (Hunter/Jumper/Equitation) 604-835-8500
Louise Longridge (not currently accepting new students) (Hunter/Jumper/Equitation) 604-812-9943
Rochelle Kilberg - Hazelmere Equestrian Centre (Hunter/Jumper) 604-202-4869
Sara Pocock - Character Warmbloods (Dressage) 604-351-4027
Sara Sellmer - Z-Eventing (Eventing) 250-571-2420