Click HERE to see the current Ring Availability Calendar.

Morning harrow is done before 8:30 AM in all rings and Afternoon harrow is 1:15 Covered & 2:00 Indoor. Big Ring only when weather permitting.

Southlands Riding Club does not offer trail or pony rides. Click HERE for local options.

Sign up to join our SMS List here:

At Southlands Riding Club we welcome horse lovers of all ages and interests. The majority of our riding members participate in Dressage, Hunter/Jumper, Eventing and pleasure riding. Others are involved in Modern Pentathlon, Polo, trail riding, carriage driving, Thoroughbred racing, Natural Horsemanship, "fox" hunting with the Fraser Valley Hunt, and Pony Club activities. As well as full riding memberships in various age categories, other options are available for part-time riders and for non-riding members.   

To become a member click below to download the membership application form. Once this documents is filled in, please send it to with a clear, recent head-shot picture for your ID card. The waiver of liability must be signed IN PERSON by anyone riding at the Club. 

Memberships require a credit card on file. If not chosen as the default payment method, the card number will be retained and charged in case of account delinquency.

All membership applications are subject to approval by the Club’s Board of Directors.