Location: Southlands Riding Club (Vancouver)
Show office opens 8:15am
Start time 8:45am sharp
Class Fees:
Lead line $6.00 members / $8.00 non-members. All other classes $15.00 members / $17.00 non-members.
General Fees:
Administration fee $7/$10 per event (member/non-member)
Day stabling $20/day (plus $25 clean-out deposit cheque)
NOTE: GST is applied to all listed fees
Closing date for entries is one week (7 days) prior to event start.
One rider/horse per entry form
Entries received will be processed in the order received, until one week prior to the show OR until the ring(s) are full. If the competition is full prior to the closing date, a wait list will be maintained.
After the closing date, a scratch with a vet’s certificate will be awarded 50% of class fees and 100% of stabling fees paid. Without a certificate, only stabling fees will be refunded.
Clean, neat and tidy schooling attire to be worn. Appropriate helmet and footwear must be worn.
Lead line: Riders may not cross enter in other classes; riders will be asked to individually perform a sitting or posting trot.
Beginner Division: Riders must have never shown at the canter; riders may be asked to sit and post the trot; no cross entry into other divisions.
Challenger Division: Riders in this division may not cross entry into other divisions.
Open Division: Horse and rider combinations may only ride in two consecutive height divisions per show (e.g. 2’ and 2’3).
Prizes: Lead line ribbons awarded to all class participants. Ribbons to 6th place for all other classes.
Series Awards: Same horse/rider combination must compete in all three (3) schooling shows be eligible for series awards.
One overall winner for each of the following will be awarded (note: no separation between equitation and hunter):
- Beginner Junior; Beginner Intermediate; Beginner Amateur
- Challenger Junior; Challenger Intermediate; Challenger Amateur
- 2’ Division; 2’3 Division; 2’6 Division; 2’9 Division; 3’ Division; 3’3 Division
Awards presentation will take place on the final schooling day OR on another date as indicated by the Club.
Waivers: Riders must sign an SRC waiver prior to riding on property.
Class Splitting and Cancellations: Show management reserves the right to split or cancel/combine classes that do not fill, and to split classes if warranted. Five (5) riders constitutes a class for hunter and jumper shows.